Step 1. Select Business Structure:
Selecting the legal structure of the company is the first step in the registration process for a German corporation. There are various structures available for registration under German Law, one of the most popular among them all is a GMBH.
Step 2. Reserve Company Name:
After deciding on a structure, you need to give the company a name. The chosen name must be distinct, distinctive, and cannot be the name of an already-existing German company. Following decision-making, the firm's name needs to be confirmed at the Handelsregister (Handelsregister). This is done to make sure that the chosen name isn't already being used by another business.
Step 3. Documentation:
Next step comprises preparing documents for the registration process which includes memorandum of association, article of association, directors’ particulars. Make sure that all the documents to be attached are notarized.
Step 4. Open a bank Account:
For a German company to be registered, a bank account must be opened in order to deposit the necessary share capital. We can also help you with opening a bank account in Germany if you register your business with OnDemand International.
Step 5. FIle Application:
The final step is to gather all of the prepared documentation, including capital proof, director and shareholder information, proof of the registered office address, minutes of the meeting, etc., and send it to the German Commercial Register along with the application for company registration. Your application will be approved so that you can obtain the company registration certificate when it has been reviewed.